How we initiated and launched the first sustainability award in Guldägget, Sweden’s premier creativity award.
Guldägget was founded in 1961, but oddly enough didn’t yet have a sustainability award. If creative agencies are to be a driving force in the Swedish transition to a sustainable future their best projects and solutions need to be honored so they can inspire our industry.
In August 2023 the trade magazine Resumé published a Differ Agency-signed op-ed piece asking Komm, the trade organization for Swedish communication agencies, “Where are the ecological eggs?”
It got the attention of the communication agency +1 which had similar thoughts. Together we approached the CEO of Komm, Linda Nilsson, who lauded the initiative and despite a short time frame wanted to present the initiative to the organization’s committee for the Guldägget Award.
Together with +1 Differ Agency drafted the entry description and the evaluation criteria for the new award, which was then presented to the awards committee. It approved the suggestion, made a few adjustments, and coined the name Omställningsägget.
The inaugural Omställningsägg was awarded Vattenfall and NORD DDB for the initiative “Vehicle of Change” on April 25th, 2024.
Want to read more?
> The first winner of Omställningsägget
For more information, contact:
Johan Gustafsson
+46 70-632 90 20